Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What is friendship?

What is friendship but the sound of shoes pacing
on concrete pavement, the heightened sense of new colors,
the glaze of marble on the floor,  the white from teeth
on new faces,  of unfamiliar conversations going on
here and there, the clasp of hands, warm when grasped,
and  dozen pairs of eyes locked at you peering,
wondering, studying, until the moment stops
and a stranger says 'hello'-

What is friendship but the strength of a hug,
locked and held, and arms that would not release,
on pavement so familiar, the hardness of marble,
its glaze softened by tears that fell on it, by shoes
that walked on it, blurred visions and cheeks doused
with tears, warmth of bodies that one will miss,
in spaces they fill, in one's heart,
until a friend says 'good-bye'-

Friday, August 22, 2014


The rooster crowing fills my ears,
in a few more twist and turns daylight
will lit the pavement of a wandering mind. 
But sleep slipped away,  unwilling to look behind,
at dark shadows from last night.

On the ceiling I saw scenes,
familiar faces and dialogues streaming
like a downpour overwhelming sanity,
vanity, drowning with fear, and catching
breath- raise the hand, signal for help

but from what? From unrealities stitched
to fix the holes of an existence, to restrain memories 
from spilling  onto the bed,  disoriented from
restlessness, from the ticks of the clock, 
from yet another morning.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

This is a love poem

Trying to birth itself along a path poured over
with rain water on a late winter night. There is light
from a lamp post reflecting from a puddle, an opening,
distracting my reflection of you.

The thoughts shivered in the breeze, as it rushes in
to seek shelter in words, recalling, linking memories
from a past, warm with embrace and kisses. Upcoming  
are sub-zero nights. Be here to share my shivering.

This poem has reached its highest point after coming
down the Whistler's snowy peaks. I confess my affection
is as beautiful as scenic mountains white with snow in the sun.
I am no Moses but you make my face shine.