Friday, April 25, 2008

Counting Money

You would think with all my math skills
counting money would be just plain clerical.
That's why I love fund-raising: Counting lots of money
is like good sex if you wait long enough to the end.

You think years of bonding gives you license to predict
a friend's response, to make a living out of it.
If I were alive today, I'd be a bad broker,
get fired, fall in line for a meal stub, instead of dead.

There should have been audits, controls, even reports asked.
But I wasn't asked any. If my friend were any wiser,
he should have known a money-maker that he is.
Instead, my weakness did me in.

I've never been good at placing bets but I thought
I knew my friend: Instead, he let himself die
over 30 pieces of silver worth of bet.

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